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SignalCheck Pro
SignalCheck allows users to check the truesignal strength of their connections. Unlike the standard Androidsignal bars, which typically only display the 1xRTT (voice andlow-speed data) signal strength, SignalCheck will show you detailedsignal information about all of your device's connections,including 1X, GSM, EV-DO or eHRPD (3G), LTE (4G), and Wi-Fi.Special thanks to S4GRU for their tremendous support of SignalCheckfrom the beginning! Visit for up-to-the-minuteinformation and discussions about Sprint's Network Vision strategy,as well as talk about devices and other cellular networks. There isa SignalCheck discussion thread too!SignalCheck will display LTE Cell ID information on most devicesrunning Android 4.2 or higher, and some HTC devices on earlierAndroid versions. SignalCheck was one of the first (if not THEfirst) Android apps to provide this information to users. LTE bandinformation is available for some providers, and frequencies aredisplayed on some HTC devices.A configurable SignalCheck widget can be added to your home screen,showing your realtime connection type and signal strengths.SignalCheck also displays the current connection type along withthe carrier name for each connection, even while roaming. Sprintusers are instantly able to see if they are on the new 800 or 2500MHz (Spark) networks, part of Network Vision!One of the best features of SignalCheck are the notificationicon(s). A user-customizable icon shows your data connectionstrength in the notification area at the top of the screen, andmore details can be seen in the pulldown menu. Your signal strengthis always at the top of the screen along with your other icons.. noneed to open the app to check your connections. The icons arecustomizable, showing signal bars, connection type, digital signalstrength in dBm, or connection type with signal strength. Asecondary icon can be enabled to always display the 1xRTT signalfor users who wish to compare their signal strengths realtime. Allof this is customizable from within the app! Users can configurethis to automatically start when their device boots up if theychoose to.SignalCheck can also notify the user with optional audio and/orvibrating alerts when a 4G LTE connection is discovered. This ishandy for users traveling in new cities, or if your carrier'snetwork is being upgraded -- know immediately when you have ahigh-speed connection! Sprint users can also enable alerts tonotify them when they connect to 800 SMR.Curious as to which tower you are connected to? SignalCheck willnot only show you the ID, but also the street address of the 1Xtower or sector on most CDMA networks! Clicking on the address willautomatically show the location through your mapping app. Users canalso add custom "Site Notes" for each site they connect to.SignalCheck has an option to quickly reset your data connectionsfrom within the app (root required on Android 4.2+). Another optionallows users to start checking their signals as soon as theirdevice boots, enabling the notification icon(s) immediately.SignalCheck provides easy access to advanced Android screens suchas Data, Debug, Engineering, EPST, and Field Trial, along withBattery Info, Field Trial, Mobile Networks, and Wi-Fi info. Thesescreens are already available on most Android devices, but are onlyaccessible by special dialer codes.SignalCheck is a great complement to the Sensorly app, allowing youto check your signal strengths and map them out so other users cansee the data as well.This app has also been referred to as Signal Check, Signal CheckLTE, LTE Signal Check, and LTE Checker, among other things. Userschecking their signals on the Sprint network will see the mostbenefit from this app as their Network Vision nationwide upgraderolls out, but Boost, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, andinternational users can also check their signals and see detailedinformation about their connections.
SignalCheck Lite 4.63L
Blue Line Computing
SignalCheck allows users to check the truesignal strength of their connections. Unlike the standard Androidsignal bars, which only display the 1xRTT (voice and low-speeddata) signal strength, SignalCheck shows you detailed signalinformation about all of your device's connections, including1xRTT, GSM, EV-DO or eHRPD (3G), LTE (4G), and Wi-Fi.Special thanks to S4GRU for their tremendous support of SignalCheckfrom the beginning! Visit for up-to-the-minuteinformation and discussions about Sprint's Network Vision strategy,as well as talk about devices and other cellular networks. There isa SignalCheck discussion thread too.. check it out.SignalCheck will display LTE Cell ID information on most devicesrunning Android 4.2 or higher, and some HTC devices on earlierAndroid versions. SignalCheck was one of the first (if not THEfirst) Android apps to provide this information to users. LTE bandinformation is available for some providers, and frequencies aredisplayed on some HTC devices.SignalCheck also displays the current connection type along withthe carrier name for each connection, even while roaming. Sprintusers are instantly able to see if they are on the new 800 or 2500MHz (Spark) networks, part of Network Vision!SignalCheck is a great complement to the Sensorly app, allowing youto check your signal strengths and map them out so other users cansee the data as well.Users can upgrade to SignalCheck Pro (availablehere) for less than what a cup of coffee costs these days. ThePro version includes lifetime upgrades, and the followingenhancements:* Pro: Faster access to program updates. Lite users will receiveall appropriate updates, but the Pro version is always releasedfirst, typically about a week in advance.* Pro: A configurable widget can be placed on any home screen,showing current connection type and realtime signal strengths. Eachfield is color-coded so signal information can be checked with aquick glance.* Pro: The ability to notify the user with an audio and/orvibrating alert when a 4G LTE or Sprint 1X 800MHz SMR signal isdiscovered. This is handy for users traveling in new cities, or ifyour carrier's network is being upgraded -- know immediately whenyou have a high-speed connection! Alerts are customizable, and canbe disabled by the user if desired. These features are very usefulfor Sprint users during their nationwide Network Visionrollout.* Pro: A user-customizable icon shows your data connection strengthin the notification area at the top of the screen, and more detailscan be seen in the pulldown menu. Your signal strength is always atthe top of the screen along with your other icons.. no need to openthe app to check your connections. An additional icon can beenabled to always show 1X CDMA signal for comparison, if the userchooses to do so. These notifications can be configured toautomatically run your device boots if you choose to do so.* Pro: The ability to automatically keep the screen on whileSignalCheck is in the foreground.* Pro: An option to quickly reset your data connections from withinthe app.* Pro: The ability to display your base station location (1X toweror sector location) street address, and instantly show it in yourfavorite mapping app by tapping on it.* Pro: Easy access to advanced Android screens such as BatteryInfo, Field Trial, Mobile Networks, and Wi-Fi info. These screensare already available on most Android devices, but are onlyaccessible by special dialer codes.We are always looking for feedback, including suggestions and bugreports.. compliments are always welcome too.This app has also been referred to as Signal Check, Signal CheckLTE, LTE Signal Check, LTE Checker, among other things.. it's justSignalCheck folks.cellular, mobile, antenna, tower, site, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T,T-Mobile, HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola